Here is Michelle, my PA's family, first her nephew, we really liked the Hear-no, see-no, speak no idea from the website and they wanted to re-create it with him, so with a little coaxing, i managed to get him to perform ..

Here he was having a sulk.. but it makes for a great portrait. I don't always want massive smiles. Children are little people too, with their own moods and personalities and we need to convey that in 'portraits'.
More hear no, see, no.. but this time of all the grandkids.. for Michelle's Mummy....
Abigail and Thomas are old hats at this now, I have photographed them many times, and Thomas I think classes me as an equal..!? I am glad to be, i don't think I am much older than him inside anyway?
Abigail has really blossomed, and is the perfect little model now, after a tough age last time I photographed her last time, she is now full of confidence and loves having her photo taken.
sorry michelle.....
here is Michelle and her sister......
I had to do it...
thats me in trouble tomorrow!