Monday, 29 March 2010

ICT 4 Autism

This is Sally and Andy Huggett.

Sally is the mother of Daniel. Earlier this year Sally struggled to get a proper diagnosis for daniel, and fought to get him recognised as having Autistic Spectrum disorder. Something which is very hard to do.

one is 65 boys, or 1 in 100 children are born in the UK with Autistic Spectrum. Sally is campaigning hard to increase awareness of Autism in the UK and to get Autism higher on our governments agenda. The cause is a tough one, as it is so hard to diagnose so early in children, and there is not much provision to deal with the associated problems.

Today is the date for the launch of the "Look into My Eyes" campaign, trying to highlight the fact that there is a child behind the eyes of each person with Autistic spectrum. At the moment these poor children are little more than statistics..

At Avant, i try to capture the essence of a person in my photos, and this is done with the power we have to communicate with the eyes. A famous person once wrote, "the eyes are the insight to the soul", and this i keep close at heart with all my photos.

One of the main issues with children with Autism, is their reluctance to make eye contact. Something i know i would find hard as a parent to live with each day. To not have my son Morgan look into my eyes and smile would be heartbreaking. Sally hopes to raise funds to buy specialist equipment to work with autistic children to help develop their interaction and help give more fulfilling live to those with the condition.

for more details on this amazing charity campaign click here