Thursday, 8 January 2009

Christmas Photos!

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope the new year finds you well? Apart from the usual winter blues, I  am fine and dandy, but wanting Spring to arrive! I hate winter. Cold, miserable, and snotty noses.. Whilst toasty and warm in the studio, it is freezing in South Street.. 

So, Avant is open as normal now, after a staggered start after the Christmas break. It's always great to hear your responses to the blog, and it still amazes me that so many people read it!

Anyhow, the Christmas period, for me, as it is for so many, was a family affair! Mia's first Christmas and that was huge fun. Even at 5 months old, she dominated proceedings. 

Here she is opening her first ever Christmas present with Mummy and daddy the fireman, just in from night shift Christmas morning. I think we forget or take for granted that the services don't stop on Christmas. I for one am thankful for the dedication shown by those that work over Christmas.

Many thanks to everyone again, for your continued custom, and I look forward to seeing you this year for updated portraits.


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