Tuesday, 16 June 2009

MPA (SE) Print competition 2009

Holy Moly!!!

I've done it again! I amazingly won the title of the Master Photographers Association (SE region) Cherubs Photographer of the year.


Dennis Hylander FMPA FBIPP judged the competition and his knowledge and experience showed with his knowledgeable critique of the entries. Qualified master Photographers from the south east Region of the master Photographers Association were invited to enter the awards and show off the regions talents. It is a region that includes last years national Kodak Portrait and Wedding Photographer of the Year as well as previous winners of the prestigious awards from the same competition.

I am chuffed to pieces with the results and I wanted to thank a few people without whom it would not be possible. so, firstly, i would like to thank Jane, mum of Marty... ( yes, the Marty from previous posts.. ) he helped me win the award of MPA (se) Cherub Photographer of the Year 2009 with this image.

I posted this image a few months ago, but knew as soon as i took it that I would enter it into the competition. It melts your heart. Thanks so much Jane.. Yes, a copy of this will find it's way to you I'm sure!!

Also, a massive thank you goes out to Lisa, (Jane's sister) who brought her son into the studio for his shoot when I captured this image. Dennis thought this shot was 'cute'. I have to say I agree. His expression is fantastic..

Here again is Payge. Payge's image won me 3rd place, a merit, in the cherub competition too. Paul, her dad, didn't believe me when I told him this was one of the best photos i took last year, but was over the moon when he saw it on my brochure and used on my website. All visitors to the studio comment on it, and all love the delicate nature of the subject, she was only 14 days old... I have been desperate for the competition to come around to get this entered. I jknew it would do well.. Thanks Paul, Andrea and Payge.

Finally, Joe, Karen and Mia.

I always want to get something unique and different for people coming to the studio for their portraits, and with this image that won a 'Highly Commended' award for Family Portraiture, the real sense of fun and love felt within this family has been captured. I knew, again, that it was a strong image and wanted to enter it in the competition. I am over the moon with the resultant 'Highly Commended' award. Thanks Joe, Karen and Mia..

I now have to find some space for all the certificates!!!

The regional results have given me a buzz and lots of enthusiasm for the Nationals that are coming very soon now. I will be making my final selections for my entries over the next few weeks and still have limited spaces in the diary for competition entry shoots.

remember you could win £1000 if your image wins...!!! click here to go to information about it, or check the website offers page here to see how to book..

I look forward to hearing from you..


Saturday, 13 June 2009

Recommend a friend!

I am glad to announce that we are running the popular 'recommend a friend ' scheme again. Prompted by more and more requests, I have decided a little drive is required to inform those of you that still don't know, you can recommend as many people to Avant Photographic as you like....

If you have visited Avant Photographic and have friends asking where you had your portraits done? tell them!

All you need to do is tell your friends to quote your name when they book and they will qualify for a free session and a 10x8 print.. What's more, if they buy one more portrait, I will print a favourite from your session as a thank you. You can recommend as many people as you like. If you forward 10 people to me, you could get 10 free prints of your family...! How cool is that?

As well as this great deal, there are loads of new offers on the new website, click the link opposite to take you to it, this also can be forwarded..

so.. get recommending... I look forward to speaking to your friends soon...

Thanks all,


Wednesday, 10 June 2009


I thought i would post this as a little look into the other side of portrait photography..

There are some real champion portraits here..

I thank Mr Johnson for the link....