Saturday, 13 June 2009

Recommend a friend!

I am glad to announce that we are running the popular 'recommend a friend ' scheme again. Prompted by more and more requests, I have decided a little drive is required to inform those of you that still don't know, you can recommend as many people to Avant Photographic as you like....

If you have visited Avant Photographic and have friends asking where you had your portraits done? tell them!

All you need to do is tell your friends to quote your name when they book and they will qualify for a free session and a 10x8 print.. What's more, if they buy one more portrait, I will print a favourite from your session as a thank you. You can recommend as many people as you like. If you forward 10 people to me, you could get 10 free prints of your family...! How cool is that?

As well as this great deal, there are loads of new offers on the new website, click the link opposite to take you to it, this also can be forwarded..

so.. get recommending... I look forward to speaking to your friends soon...

Thanks all,


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