Friday, 24 July 2009

The Grand Hotel

Me and Hay's got engaged here, and it is a very special place to us, and now we are going to be shooting some events here!

here is their website: The Grand Hotel

Firstly I am shooting a celebratory event in the Great Hall. Amazingly it is a 60th wedding anniversary portrait! 60 years married. Wow. It will be a formal portrait of the couple now well advanced in years, (though I won't say how advanced). I am thoroughly looking forward to this, and the possibility of afternoon tea at The Grand!

Secondly, come the 29th August, I will be shooting a wedding at The Grand. It will be the small and intimate wedding of Steve and Michelle. They are doing it in style, with a short stay in the opulence of The Grand as well as getting wed in the luxuriousness of the Dukes room followed by unparalleled service with dinner and their reception in the Arlington room. It promises to be a very special day, and I thank them for letting me record it for them.

Photos of the events will be posted soon, with permission of course..

I love my studio and the practicality and control it gives me, but as a photographer, I revel in the unpredictability of weddings and events. Primarily I am employed to record the day and show it in the best possible light, and tell the story of what happened. But, anything can happen. It is the level of alertness that keeps me fired up on these sorts of occasions, and why I enjoy them so much.

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