Saturday, 5 September 2009

Morgan Michael Burrowes (My son)


Morgan Michael Burrowes was born on Tuesday 1st september at 2304 hrs. 8 lb's 8 oz's.

He is a very happy, healthy little boy and both me and Hayley are over the moon. The birth was the usual mix of joy and stress, but with each day the experience becomes less horrific!

We brought him home on Thursday and were relieved to finally get a little sleep, interrupted only a couple of times in the night for feeds and the first of many nappy changes!

his first poo went all over me! I was looking after him whilst Hayley was looked after and he decided the time was good for a little squeeze, all over his birthing blanket! Like a dutiful 21st century man i leapt in to change him, happy to be hands on and to feel useful!

The shop has been neglected for a few days and i can only apologize for my absence over the past few days. Service as usual from tuesday 8th september 10 am..

I am franticly trying to reply to all the messages and emails. Please bear with me at this joyous time, i will be in touch soon, I promise...

Thank you so much for all the well wishes and cards, they mean so much to us both.

many thanks

(Daddy) Phil Burrowes


Anonymous said...

Ah congratulations to you both love the photo's phil so cute hope to see you soon at the shop.

well it gets better from now on mate dad to dad to see them change into something special .......

chow for now

from Paul Andi and Payge

Peter Prior said...

Congratulations to you both.
