Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Christmas reprints

Hi folks,


I am pleased to say I have been able to keep on top of the orders this year. Even though I was surprised by the response to the Christmas mailing, seems many of you were waiting for the offers! Having pulled a few late nights and and putting in the hours I have been able to stay ahead of the chaos. I must have a cut off point at some point, and it is saturday20th December for prints, I'm afraid frames will have to wait until after Christmas.

I am giving myself a little break over Christmas too. I will be here until 4pm on Christmas eve, but not returning until the 10th January.

I look forward to seeing you all in the New year.

Many thanks to you all for your custom this year.

Here is a recent favourite, little Joseph, who I have been scheduled to shoot since July last year! H really had a ball during the shoot and I am super chuffed with the results. Just as well, as his mum works for The Herald!!!!

If I can be of any help for reprints or seasonal sessions, please call asap. If I can fit you in, I will. Remember, Christmas is a time for families and is a great time to have some portraits done.

Thursday, 20 November 2008

A recent favourite..

This is the full gang of a very happy dad, Matthew Friend, a local DJ, who hasn't given me his web address!!

The 4 of them were great to work with. His boys were typical fun and lively boys, and not shy at all.. we got straight to the fun when we went into the studio.

Matthew had previously warned me that his daughter disliked photographers. They had had varied results when trying to get their portrait done before, but, as normal, I succeeded in getting some great results.. All it took was the usual mucking about and making a fool of myself, as so many have seen me do on your shoots..(!!)

The knees of jeans are testament to the efforts taken in the studio too get the results!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Launch of Charity Offer

Hi folks!

Well, it has been a busy month here at Avant Photographic. With the normal Christmas Chaos encroaching, suppliers are already starting to delay their deliveries, but thankfully are still coming in on time.

We are proud to announce the launch of our new charity promotion.

Our aim is to raise £2500 for charity. We will be donating all of our registration fee of £25 to our 2 chosen charities until the New year. We hope this will be popular enough to continue indefinitely, raising huge amounts for charity.

With us this year are the Cystic Fibrosis Trust helping those with the disease and offering support for their families. Also, we are supporting the great work of The Sussex Wildlife Trust Helping to maintain woodland and areas of natural beauty and environmental importance throughout Sussex.

CF trust has a close place in my heart as my Niece, Evie has CF. She is such an incredible little girl, and her spirit is definitely that of her father, (my brother).

Yes, she is as cheeky as she looks...!

The Sussex Wildlife Trust work very hard attaining areas of land that sustain our beautiful county, and the wildlife that rely upon it.

With a donation of just £25 to either of these worthy charities we will reward you with a voucher for £195. This is redeemable against a full family session, and a choice of a 10x8 framed and mounted portrait of your choice as well as £50 towards further portraits!

It is very simple to donate, call us or email us your interest and we will happily guide you through the simple process. You can pay by card or with a cheque payable directly to the charity. Bookings can be made at any time as long as you have registered by the end of December.

I am really excited about this promotion and can't wait to send a big cheque to the charities!

Please support our cause and have some great portraits done too!!!!

Many thanks


Wednesday, 1 October 2008

oops! Been busy.

Sorry folks,

It has been hectic here at Avant Photographic.. The expected drop in bookings seeing as the kids are back to school simply hasn't come..!

We are as busy as normal, and now the Christmas bookings have started. Not long until the sight of tinsel and Santa becomes normal for us. I love the run up to Christmas, always fun, and we see alot more families. It is great to be able to record the gathering of so many families.

Once again Christmas and seasonal greeting cards will be available, have your own image on the front of it, and I will design a layout to suit your taste, with funky text and seasonal effects to really make a unique greeting for this year..

They are priced at £75 for 5 or £100 for 10.. just mail me or call to order, most pieces can be done on the phone and a proof is emailed a few days after ordering for you to OK the design...

Remember that you can still recommend friends for Christmas too! reprint offer will be coming for next week, check the blog again soon!



Tuesday, 9 September 2008

my new neice..

Well, at long last my new niece came to see me for some photo's.. What was going to be a fairly quick little session turned into a great and enjoyable but, marathon shoot. Though we did have to stop for a little feed now and again, (Mia and us!) we got some great smiles and Mia seemed to really enjoy her shoot..!!

Here she is in a montage I have created for Karen, to be printed to 30 inches wide, and framed...
All this new niece business has put me in a good mood, and I want to celebrate! So, for the next month, I am going to run a little promo....

Montages like the one above, 30x11 inches, framed and laminated, will be available to buy at £295, but, as a celebration for my new niece, I am going to give you 4 10x8 prints for free!!!

All you need to do is call me or email me and ask about the Mia Promo....

Tuesday, 2 September 2008

S.E. MPA Photography Awards...

Wednesday 23rd July 2008..

This is the biggest bit of news to happen since Avant opened last year.

I have won a major award for my photography. On the 23rd of July I won the title of Master Photographers Association, (S.E. Region) Cherubs Photographer of the Year!

Despite this being nearly a month ago, I am still floating on cloud nine! There was some serious competition for this award, which was presented at the MPA SE Region Print Competition. There were several categories, including Cherubs, Portrait, Events and of course Weddings. But it was the Cherubs category I was most eager to do well in, but never thought I would win it.

My good friend Peter Prior won the Portrait category for his wonderful portrait entry, and I was lucky enough to scoop 3rd for my entry in the same category.. www.peterprior.com

The winning images are below. Many thanks to Jane Salmon and her wonderful son Marty and to Jill Jarret and her boys...

Winner: MPA (se region) Cherub Photographer Of TheYear 2008

3rd Place MPA (se region) Cherub Photographer of the Year 2008

3rd Place Portrait category 2008

Welcome to the Blog!

Well folks,

Here we go for a first attempt of a new way to keep you all informed of what is happening in the World of Avant Photographic!

I shall send regular emails with a link straight to recent posts and remember... tell your friends..

There shall be special offers, open only to those who read the blog, for new and regular customers alike.. and with Christmas coming, make sure you check back regularly so you don't miss out...!!