Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Launch of Charity Offer

Hi folks!

Well, it has been a busy month here at Avant Photographic. With the normal Christmas Chaos encroaching, suppliers are already starting to delay their deliveries, but thankfully are still coming in on time.

We are proud to announce the launch of our new charity promotion.

Our aim is to raise £2500 for charity. We will be donating all of our registration fee of £25 to our 2 chosen charities until the New year. We hope this will be popular enough to continue indefinitely, raising huge amounts for charity.

With us this year are the Cystic Fibrosis Trust helping those with the disease and offering support for their families. Also, we are supporting the great work of The Sussex Wildlife Trust Helping to maintain woodland and areas of natural beauty and environmental importance throughout Sussex.

CF trust has a close place in my heart as my Niece, Evie has CF. She is such an incredible little girl, and her spirit is definitely that of her father, (my brother).

Yes, she is as cheeky as she looks...!

The Sussex Wildlife Trust work very hard attaining areas of land that sustain our beautiful county, and the wildlife that rely upon it.

With a donation of just £25 to either of these worthy charities we will reward you with a voucher for £195. This is redeemable against a full family session, and a choice of a 10x8 framed and mounted portrait of your choice as well as £50 towards further portraits!

It is very simple to donate, call us or email us your interest and we will happily guide you through the simple process. You can pay by card or with a cheque payable directly to the charity. Bookings can be made at any time as long as you have registered by the end of December.

I am really excited about this promotion and can't wait to send a big cheque to the charities!

Please support our cause and have some great portraits done too!!!!

Many thanks


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