Wednesday, 1 October 2008

oops! Been busy.

Sorry folks,

It has been hectic here at Avant Photographic.. The expected drop in bookings seeing as the kids are back to school simply hasn't come..!

We are as busy as normal, and now the Christmas bookings have started. Not long until the sight of tinsel and Santa becomes normal for us. I love the run up to Christmas, always fun, and we see alot more families. It is great to be able to record the gathering of so many families.

Once again Christmas and seasonal greeting cards will be available, have your own image on the front of it, and I will design a layout to suit your taste, with funky text and seasonal effects to really make a unique greeting for this year..

They are priced at £75 for 5 or £100 for 10.. just mail me or call to order, most pieces can be done on the phone and a proof is emailed a few days after ordering for you to OK the design...

Remember that you can still recommend friends for Christmas too! reprint offer will be coming for next week, check the blog again soon!



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